When we talk about content strategy, we are most often discussing it with regard to our web content. But what about our communications channels? Those are also in need of some TLC (tender loving #contentstrategy). Particularly in higher ed, with disparate communications goals across schools and units and more channels than you can shake a stick at, a little content strategy elbow grease can go a long way.
Diana Railton, founder of the U.K. corporate communications agency DRCC, spoke earlier this month at the Content Strategy Forum about how content strategy supports communications strategy. From her perspective, content strategists have a central role in both shaping strategic communications goals at the top and guiding the implementation on the ground, striving to ensure consistency and governance along the way. Ultimately, she says, content strategists help ensure a communications strategy’s ROI.
Lucky for us, she gave a lightning preview of her CS Forum presentation back in June:
A central team of content strategists should be able to advise anyone in the organization on the best channels to use for the communication task and guide them on the best way to tailor communication for those channels to make it as effective as possible.
Source: How content strategy supports communications strategy by Diana Railton, Together London, June 7, 2011
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