Understanding our users’ needs and evaluating the efficacy of our web content is an ongoing challenge. But sometimes the most relevant, valuable insights are right in front of us.
In her post, "Revisiting the cliché, ‘the customer is always right,’" Tara DeMarco reminds us to make use of everyday user feedback. Just like customers, our web users are always right when they respond to our content — such as a visitor reacting to obscure event information on Twitter, a prospective student complaining about the application process on Facebook, or a parent emailing to thank you for posting commencement photos.
We get great insights into the value and efficacy of our content every day. We just have to keep our eyes and ears open.
Listen to your customers, gather insights from their feedback, and use these insights to improve your offering. When it comes to deciding what customers want…. well, you know the cliché.
Source: Revisiting the cliché, “the customer is always right” Tara DeMarco, The Bazaarvoice Social Commerce Blog, May 16, 2011
Glad you found the post interesting! Cool how you’ve applied the idea beyond just businesses and their customers. Thanks for reading.
Thanks for the note, Tara. Indeed! Your post is great and certainly relevant in a broader context. For higher ed, the business/customer mindset is important for maintaining a user-focused web experience. There is a fine line between marketing and customer service.